Pilot Information
All Pilots please click this link to read Important Safety Information
Seaplane Base (site of fly-in) is one mile west of the Greenville Municipal Airport (3B1) on the southernmost tip of Moosehead Lake
Radio frequency at Seaplane Base (Thu-Sun) is 123.3. Greenville Municipal Airport is 122.8. Safety is a priority! Please make sure that you are communicating on these frequencies during the fly-in.
AWOS: 207-695-2581
Arrivals to Greenville Seaplane Base
Use 52B as destination identifier
Use routes depicted at 2000 MSL
Land only in marked corridors – rocks and shallow water are prevalent outside both lanes at the Seaplane Base
No step taxi or landing in lower part of cove nearest town due to heavy boat and seaplane traffic.
No flying under 600 AGL in lower part of cove due to heavy traffic
Docks are available to registrants who purchase a complete fly-in package. Space is awarded on a first-come/first serve basis. Be sure to indicate your request when you register for tickets online. Use of docks provided by International Seaplane Fly-In is at pilot’s own risk. Pilots are solely responsible for ensuring their aircraft is securely tied down.
Parking is available in both east and west cove including Telford’s Marina.
Bring your ropes and tie downs
Amphibious planes – must contact ground crew at seaplane base for assistance if using the ramp to exit the seaplane base
Amphibious aircraft are welcome and encouraged to park at Stobie
Access to and use of seaplane ramp and parking at the Stobie/Inland Fisheries and Wildlife property is at pilot’s own risk. All pilots are solely responsible for ensuring that their aircraft is securely tied down and wheels are chocked.
Land Planes:
Arrivals to Greenville Municipal Airport use 3B1 as destination identifier
Fly left hand pattern at 2400 MSL
Radio Frequency at Greenville Municipal Airport is 122.8. Seaplane Base (Thu-Sun) is 123.3. Safety is a priority! Please make sure that you are communicating on these frequencies during the fly-in
AWOS: 207-695-2581
Use Caution if winds favor Rwy 14 at Greenville Municipal Airport (3B1), as base leg conflicts with proper downwind leg to Seaplane Base
Bring ropes and tie downs
No flying under 600 AGL in lower part of cove due to heavy traffic.
Attendees arriving via plane at Greenville Municipal Airport may camp at airport at no charge. All others arriving by vehicle or camper must pay the camping fee
Jet A and 100LL self-serve pumps are available at the airport.
For Accommodations and Additional Moosehead Region Information click on the following link: Destination Moosehead Lake – Visit Moosehead Lake
Ground transportation is available via a volunteer shuttle service sponsored by the Moosehead Yacht Club. The shuttle will run from the Seaplane base (Pickup and Dropoff will be at Top of Lower Lincoln Street) to the Airport (Pickup and Dropoff will be at the Welcome Building). Transportation is not provided to Local Lodging, Rockwood or Kokadjo. Tips are appreciated and go to support the fly-in.
2024 Shuttle Schedule: Friday 9:00am-6:30pm - Saturday 8:00am-6:30pm - Sunday 8:00am-2:00pm
Rental Cars: Beginning in 2024, Rental Cars will be available from Darlings Rental Center. Reservations must be made through Darlings and at least 5 days in advance. Please check back for updated information.​
Fuel will be available for seaplanes at the State of Maine Forestry Dock in the Cove. Look for the sign.
Saturday - Fuel will be available after the last event is completed.
Sunday - Call/Text TBD Fuel ends at 10am
Related Links
Maine Aero: www.maineaero.com
Wipaire: www.wipaire.com
Aerotek Engines: www.aerotecengines.ca
Varney Agency: www.varneyagency.com
Icon: www.iconaircraft.com
Aerocet Floats: www.aerocet.com
Kenmore Air: www.kenmoreair.com
PK Floats: www.pkfloats.com
Clamar Floats: www.clamarfloats.com
Cub Crafters: www.cubcrafters.com
Global Air: www.globalair.com
Hikes and other things to do : www.lovemaineadventures.com